Sunday, 18 March 2012

FOLIE: Purpose, Context and Tectonics

The purpose, form and context of the folie have been finalized.
The learning experience will centre around learning about communication through description. Three puzzles would be the core of the experience, with a viewing platform as both an enticement for participation (and advertisement) and a reward for completing the puzzles.
Concept of Puzzles, Stair, Platform and Slide

Given the central purpose of the folie was to be a series of puzzles, creating a form that would reflect and advertise this was the next step. Something that reflected a jigsaw puzzle was considered but rejected as too literal. For the exterior, we selected a system of glass building blocks that could be arranged in patterns of colour and varying translucency. The final concept would be permeable, allowing a suggestion of the interior but no obvious presentation of it.

Concept for exterior form. "Tetrus" block features will consist
of glass block building system. Other concstruction will be of
steel and timber.

After this, decisions regarding the structure fell into place. Sympathy with the site through materials would be impossible given the choice of material and form; the folie is intended to stand out.
Some choices in materials can help to create a connection with the original site, such as timber decking and street furniture made from timber piles and local stone fragments. However, relevance to the site will hinge on location and aspect. The folie should not dominate the site... it is a folie and the main institute will be the main feature.

The main connection between the folie and site will be through its aspect and positioning next to the river walk access way. It is to be an attraction for people to visit on their way through; perhaps a mystery as to why such a colourful structure is situated in such a subdued place. The link to the site will only be discovered by those who attain the viewing platform and see the directed views.

Rough site plan showing situation of folie between the water and the river walk path.
The form of the folie is not sympathetic to the site, so connection with the site
through outlook is vital to retain relevence.
The vantage is the reason for going through the puzzles.The highly visable folie is a self adevertizement and a landmark for the learning institute
yet to be built. The platform serves as both a reward for completing the puzzles

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