Friday 9 March 2012


Some recent images of HSW.

The first set are hand held night shots looking down on the wharfs from Bowen Terrace. The harsh yellow floodlights that illumunate the bridge cast forbiding shadows on the wharfs. The results are uninviting.
HSW From Bowen Terrace

HSW from Bowen Terrace
The second set were taken from across the river at Kangaroo Point. The wharves are dwarfed at the foot of the cliffs and by the bridge.

These photographic investigationsgive some idea of the chellenges presented by this site. The site presents very differently at different times of the day. Also, any structure built on the wharf's site will have to simultaneously complement the existing cliffs, bridge and historical structures while resisting being overwhelmed by them.

All images taken by the author.

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