Tuesday, 27 March 2012

FOLIE: Final Images

Learning often seems a solitary process. We learn through intuition, reasoning, study and experience as we encounter the world and interact with it. Many of our lessons appear to be our own and apply only to us. Through a process of co-operative puzzle solving, Sense promotes the importance of learning through shared descriptions, experience and verbal communication.

Sense is an experiment in the relationship between learning, description and shared experience. The participants are invited to solve a series of simple puzzles as they progress through the installation. The puzzles can be laboriously solved by an individual acting alone, or they can be solved more quickly by working with another participant. The series of puzzles allows the participant to ask the question whether
The puzzles are based on visual, audible and textural patterns. Each participant is given the key to the other’s puzzle and is free to share this information with the other. However, the participants may only communicate verbally. The information and the modes of communication are purposefully mismatched, so that the participant must venture outside the abbreviated conventions of language that pervade everyday speech.

The aim of Sense is to bring into focus the value of shared learning through language and description. Sense is an attempt to explore the relationship of experience and description beyond the visual and textual clichés of modern culture. The participant may ask the question if it was easier to solve the puzzle themselves, or to listen to communicate with their fellow traveller.

FOLIE: Two people have completed the puzzel and are enjoying
the view.
FOLIE: Detail of stair
FOLIE: Viewing platform showing door, slide and deck
FOLIE: External view (Sketch-Up)

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