Saturday 3 March 2012

BLOG: First Entry

DAB525 walkshop was cancelled today due to the rain. I was scheduled to take the bicycle trip along the top of the Kangarood Point cliffs. I will attempt to get down and do some photography and sketching on Wednesday.

In the meantime, I will post some images, thoughts and impressions I have of the place before I visit. When we observe a place for a purpose we see it in a particular way. Any impressions I record here before the visit will be a reflection of how I have seen those cliffs in the past, before DAB510 made me think of it in terms of this assignment.

Also, It will be a good experiment to see how this blog service works.

More later.

Howard Smith Warves 27 January 2012 from Citycat

Howard Smith Warves 27 January 2012 from Citycat

Howard Smith Warves 27 January 2012 from Citycat

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